Sweet Bakes have been around since 2010. We are now a duo team of my husband and I who love anything to do with dessert!
Why Sweet Bakes?
Simply because we love to bake anything sweet! Savoury too sometimes! But mostly sweet! And we baked them to our kind of perfection! Doing a lot of trials and errors till it satisfy our sweet taste buds!
Why Blog?
It all started with me just baking for fun and posting my pictures on facebook just to share what i have created. Since then over the past few years i have receive amazing increase of support to what i love doing most from friends and family. Therefore, this blog is also dedicated to my friends and families whom have grown to support me in my hobby and passion in baking. And making it easier for any one of my friends and family out there to order from me through this site.
Mostly we will be sharing some recipes, baking tips and baking-related ideas and our baking experiences! Any other times we will be sharing anything that looks, smells or sound sweet and interesting even though its not dessert/baking related!
Oh and most of the items posted done by us are opened for orders too!
Oh and most of the items posted done by us are opened for orders too!
Yours Sincerely,
Norin M.
Norin M.